All candidates were sent a questionnaire put together by Functional Transit Winnipeg and given several weeks to reply. Responses have been summarized below. You can read each candidate’s full response and the questions we asked by following the link underneath each summary.

Functional Transit Winnipeg’s priorities for this election are increased operating funding for transit, implementation of a frequent service network and measures to address driver and passenger safety. We have noted  comments related to those priorities in the summaries.


Markus Chambers

Winnipeg’s transit system in three words: “Work in progress.”

Frequency: Gives current transit system a letter grade of B with more work required to make transit more frequent, accessible and affordable.  Would work with Transit Planners to host a series of open houses to discuss with residents existing routes, ridership, and potential new routes to improve transit services in the community.

Public transit is important as it is one of the key ways that connects all areas of the city. More and more residents are concerned about traffic and the environment – public transit reduces automobile traffic and greenhouse gas emissions.

Safety: Safety issues are due to infrequent service. Plain clothed officers on buses, additional surveillance cameras and a review of the current fare collection system could help resolve safety issues for drivers and passengers.

Wants to review where transit dollars are going within the system to ensure residents are getting the most value for the funds.

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Nikolas Joyal

Winnipeg’s transit system in three words: “Good not great” and “15 years behind.”

Gives current transit system a letter grade of B-.

Views transit as an alternative to owning a car.

Vision for the future of the transit system is of one that is based on a “hub and spoke system”.

Safety: Improving transit safety must be a coordinated effort between the City, Winnipeg Transit, Winnipeg Police, and organizations, while also consulting with bus drivers and passengers.

Difficult to find funding for transit, but possible sources are increasing fare revenue, transfer from other departments, or federal funding.

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Chris Davis

Did not respond to questionnaire

Glenn Churchill

Did not respond to questionnaire

Nancy Cooke

Did not respond to questionnaire