Today, the Province put forward a bill that will remove the 50% funding guarantee for transit in Winnipeg. This does not necessarily mean that they are cancelling existing #provincial funding, but it does mean that the City can no longer
Local Transit Panel – May 18
How can we make transit in Winnipeg more customer-focused? A panel of local professionals and advocates talk about Winnipeg’s transit network from their perspectives. The panel covers a wide range of experience from those within Winnipeg Transit to those who
Functional Transit Winnipeg – Additional Rapid Transit Corridor Conditions
For Functional Transit Winnipeg to consider supporting additional rapid transit corridors the following conditions need to be met: Expected level of service (including bus headways during rush hour, daytimes, evenings and weekends) must be communicated in the initial and all
FTW AGM – April 13
Latest Newsletter is out
Our latest newsletter is out. Read it here
Citizens’ Capital Investment Recommendations
On March 22, the Federal Government announced $82.8 million in funding for transit capital projects for Winnipeg. This announcement spurred a number of transit advocates in Winnipeg to work together on a list of our priorities for transit capital investments needed