For Functional Transit Winnipeg to consider supporting additional rapid transit corridors the following conditions need to be met:

  1. Expected level of service (including bus headways during rush hour, daytimes, evenings and weekends) must be communicated in the initial and all subsequent planning reports.

  2. Corridor plans must prioritize integration into existing residential and commercial neighbourhoods.

  3. Where the city expects Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to occur, the city must negotiate with existing landowners and place caveats on these development tracts that require TOD to meet the City of Winnipeg’s definition of TOD*.

*”Moderate to higher density compact mixed-use development, located within an easy five to ten minute (approximately 400m to 800m) walk of a major transit stop. TOD involves high quality urban development with a mix of residential, employment and shopping opportunities, designed in a pedestrian oriented manner without excluding the automobile. TOD can be new construction or redevelopment of one or more buildings whose design and orientation facilitate the use of convenient and sustainable modes of transportation, including public transit and Active Transportation.”

Source: Winnipeg, City of. Winnipeg Transit-Oriented Development Handbook, prepared by       the City of Winnipeg and PB’s PlaceMaking Group, Winnipeg, MB, 2011

Functional Transit Winnipeg – Additional Rapid Transit Corridor Conditions